Pension & Profit Sharing Planning

Maintaining growth and profitability within your company largely relies on the effective use of compensation and benefit strategies. At Dannible & McKee, we are committed to helping clients develop programs that best serve the needs of their business and employees, while fulfilling complex regulatory requirements.

Our experienced professionals understand how complicated selecting and designing a program can be. We collaborate with your team to fully evaluate the benefits and impact of each option, and work to design compensation and benefit programs that support your organizational goal.

We offer a full range of related services, from tax compliance and related payroll consulting to integrated plan design assistance and review of qualified retirement plans, tax-favored retirement plans, fringe benefits, employer stock programs and nonqualified deferred compensation plans.

Our employee benefit practice is also comprised of Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) consultants and certified business valuation professionals, who have the in-depth knowledge, experience and resources to help manage ESOP opportunities and challenges, protect assets and provide innovative ideas to maximize the benefits.

Our compensation and benefit planning services include:

  • Competitive Compensation Analysis
  • Compensation Consulting
  • Partnership Compensation Planning
  • Qualified and Non-Qualified Plan Consulting and Compliance
  • Employee Incentive Programs
  • Profit Sharing
  • ESOP Advisory
  • Employee Benefit Plan Audits


Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center