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Employee Benefit Plans

Providing high quality benefits plans is critical to being competitive in attracting and retaining the best employees, but meeting plan regulatory requirements can be complex. At Dannible & McKee, our highly specialized employee benefit plan auditors understand the challenges plan sponsors face and recognize the importance of effectively establishing and operating a plan within a stringent regulatory environment.

Our employee benefit plan practice combines comprehensive audit, tax, and advisory offerings to deliver services tailored to the unique needs of our employee benefit plan sponsor clients. From performing plan audits in accordance with the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), to advising on regulatory and reporting requirements, to providing consulting services across the entire ERISA spectrum, our specialists have strong knowledge, expertise and insights to help you fulfill your obligations.

Each year our firm audits over 40 employee benefit plans with as few as 120 or as many as 5,000 participants, and range in size from plans with assets of less than $1,000,000 to plans with assets over $170,000,000. Our clients benefit from having a team of dedicated professionals who receive ongoing education and training and stay up to date on regulatory requirements.

Our experienced professionals can perform audits for:

  • Defined Contribution Plans (profit sharing plans and 401(k) and similar type plans)
  • 403(b) Plans
  • Defined Benefit Plans (active and frozen)
  • Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs)
  • Health and Welfare Plans

Our employee benefit plan practice is partner managed and led by Joseph Chemotti, CPA, CCIFP, who is certified in Advanced Health and Welfare Plans Audit, Advanced Defined Contributions Plans Audit, and Advanced Defined Benefit Plans Audit through the AICPA Employee Benefit Plans Audit Certificate Program. Dannible & McKee is also a member of American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) Employee Benefit Audit Quality Center, which allows our firm to achieve the highest standards in performing quality employee benefit plan audits.


AICPA Employee Benefit Audit Quality Center (EBPAQC)
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB)
Center for Audit Quality
Certified Advanced Health and Welfare Plans Audit
Certified Advanced Defined Contributions Plans Audit
Certified Advanced Defined Benefit Plans Audit