Are You Prepared for a Successful SOC Audit?
The SOC framework is complex and requires detailed scoping with policy and procedures documentation in order for a service organization to be successful. With so many uncertainties, it is prudent to perform a readiness assessment prior to your formal SOC attestation engagement. Readiness assessments are non-attest consulting engagements that are designed to identify gaps in controls and advise the service organization of necessary corrective actions in preparation of the SOC examination.
Benefits of a SOC Readiness Assessment
Regardless of whether it is your first SOC report or tenth, a readiness assessment is the most efficient way to prepare for a formal SOC attestation engagement. A SOC readiness assessment will provide you with an independent evaluation of your current control structure so your management team can make informed decisions about your control objectives and prepare for a successful SOC examination. Additional benefits include:
- Familiarizing your staff with the SOC 1, 2 or 3 exam methodology.
- Providing management an opportunity to remediate deficiencies and/or gaps, put enhanced controls in operation and test the new controls long before a report is issued.
- Receiving guidance from qualified professionals regarding the impact of changes to controls that may affect the result of the upcoming audit.
- Refining the scope and drafting a description of the controls in advance of the audit.
- Preventing unexpected findings during the audit and dramatically improving the likelihood of a successful examination.
At Dannible & McKee, LLP, our assurance group has extensive experience in this specialized area. The readiness assessment consulting services we provide are designed to be scalable and are customized to your needs and to your available resources. Our consulting services are tailored to increase the probability of a successful SOC audit outcome.
To learn more about Dannible & McKee and the SOC audit services we provide, visit our website at or call Brian W. Johnson, CPA, CFE, CCIFP, at (315) 472-9127 ext. 141.